I met with Programmes Mananager Pete Tighe recently catch up on progress at CatZero, an organisation I have worked closely with during my time as MP.
CatZero are helping to get Grimsby residents into work by giving them the opportunity to overcome barriers into employment, whether that be by providing training, or working on increasing their confidence. They also provide help to families to strengthen their relations and develop together, and are currently creating an allotment for those interested in developing a green thumb.
Pete and I discussed some of the employment and skills issues we have in the town which means we have a ‘sticky issue’ of a higher than national average for unemployment. We both agree that finding suitable and enjoyable work is one of the most positive things in someone’s life - promoting happiness and confidence - and giving people the chance to starting to think about a new career and direction in life. We will be working together with the Job Centre here in Grimsby to link them with key employers in Grimsby, giving those coming through the organisation better job opportunities. Together, I believe we can really make a difference and get Grimsby residents out of unemployment and into good jobs.
If you’d like to get involved with CatZero, either as a volunteer or to receive their help, you can find more information on their website.