This afternoon I was very happy to meet with the Historic England team and their Chairman Sir Laurie Magnus.
We looked at Victoria Street in particular. We are very lucky to have a Main Street that is essentially still medieval in size and plan, which offers us lots of opportunities for its future development. Historic England are extremely passionate about Grimsby and its redevelopment, and we talked in length about what more we can do to bring more vibrancy into the town centre.
I had a catch up with Cllr Philip Jackson to talk about new street cleaning regimes we would like to see in operation. We must make the town centre as inviting as possible, and that starts at keeping it clean and tidy.
I am also still working with the Police to ensure we can see more regular town centre patrols from officers, which they ensure me they are working on. Crime and ASB in our town centre is too much of a deterrent - we must crack down on it.
Town Centre regeneration is one of my top priorities and something I am extremely keen to ensure is achieved.