My job as the MP for Great Grimsby is to try and make sure that my constituency can be seen to be forward thinking. I want to make sure that the town has a high profile and it’s important for senior politicians like the Prime Minister to understand that we’re proactive and that we want to make changes.
People who voted for the Conservative Party for the first time in 75 years in Grimsby want the Government to try and make some of those changes. I had already sent the Prime Minister a Grimsby Town Football Club bobble hat and he was seen wearing it when he was on holiday in Scotland and so I thought I’d continue adding to his collection and keep the town at a high profile politically by getting him a Grimsby Town shirt produced with his name on it.
I presented it to him during a meeting alongside Martin Vickers MP and he actually does use it when he’s out exercising his dog. What better advertising can you have in support of your town when your own Prime Minister is happy to wear a football club bobble hat and shirt with your town’s name on?